$BOTC Rewards! Round 1! LFG!!! 


As you know, your 3D Rebellion Bots can earn you $BOTC (BotCoin) by staking them in our platform.

We are now ready to tell you what you can spend your $BOTC on!

Please keep in mind that this is our first round, and the rewards per bot will change after this first run that ends on October 3rd, 2022.

This is also an opportunity for us to do “a simple test” before we dive deeper into these.

We recommend you to stake all of your bots ASAP and save as much $BOTC as possible, you NEVER KNOW WHAT’S NEXT! (but not financial advice, do as you damn please hahah).


– 7 Portal Guns to add to your Rebellion Bot NFT

– 29 Rebellion Hats (Merch)

– 2 MegaBot Unique Traits

– 25 Special Edition Collectables

– 3 3D Versions of Your Robot

– 1 Box of Aleron (6 Bottles)

COMING NEXT: Current trait upgrades

IMPORTANT: At this point it is important for you guys to know we’re working on implementing an AUCTION and RAFFLE system as fast as we can.


  • 7 Portal Guns – ‘Trait Upgrade’

This is the first trait upgrade we’ll do to our bots!

The portal gun is an ARM TRAIT and will only be reflected on your 2D version of the bot.

It will NOT affect the ranking of your bot.

How we’ll we give these 7 traits away:

– 1 item will be a raffle amongst the 13 Rebellion Hero Holders. They will have to purchase a Raffle Ticket in $BOTC to participate. Only 13 tickets available MAX.

– 4 items will be auctioned to the highest bidders with $BOTC

– 1 item will be a raffle amongst anyone who would like to purchase a raffle ticket with $BOTC (price per ticket to be announced)

– 1 item will go to the COMMUNITY’S CHOICE: whoever the community votes for doing the most during that period of time (gifs, shares on twitter, making alternative art, etc…)

  • 29 Rebellion Hats – OG Edition + Hat Trait Upgrade For your Bot.

I made a total of 29 hats when we originally decided to join the Rebellion!

I promised my Hero Holders I would take care of them, so here it is!

Aside from getting the cap in real life, the owners of these will receive a NEW HAT TRAIT UPGRADE (to be revealed) for your bots!

Here’s how we’ll give these out:

– 13 items (caps + NFT) will go to the Hero Holders for a price in $BOTC

This leaves 16 caps for the rest

– 14 items will be AUCTIONED in $BOTC to whoever pays the most.

– 1 item will be raffled, and tickets will be available for purchase only in $BOTC (we’ll announce pricing for each ticket).

– 1 item will go to the COMMUNITY’S CHOICE: whoever the community votes for doing the most during that period of time (gifs, shares on twitter, making alternative art, etc…)

  • 2 Custom MegaBots!

– We are gonna raffle 2 “custom MegaBots” where the winners of this ticket will be able to get a MegaBot and get 2 custom traits!

– Tickets to be sold exclusively on $BOTC and pricing to be announced soon!


Our Creadore Community is full of talented people and we would like to support them as much as they support us.

We are placing an order of 3 Custom Made 3D Models for our holders as follows:

– 1 item will be a raffle amongst the 13 Rebellion Hero Holders. They will have to purchase a Raffle Ticket in $BOTC to participate. Only 13 tickets available MAX.

– 1 item will be a raffle amongst anyone who would like to purchase a raffle ticket with $BOTC (price per ticket to be announced)

– 1 items will be auctioned to the highest bidder with $BOTC

  • 25 Special Edition Collectable Bots for the Metaverse!

These are NOT the ones you’ll be getting. These are by Creadore.

We are loving that you guys are loving 3D assets more and more, so we would like to launch our very exclusive collectable for the Metaverse for our Holders!

We’re only making 25 of these and all of them will be given out as follows:

– 5 items will be a raffle amongst the 13 Rebellion Hero Holders. They will have to purchase a Raffle Ticket in $BOTC to participate. Only 13 tickets available MAX.

– 5 items will be auctioned to the highest bidders with $BOTC

– 14 items will be raffled amongst anyone who would like to purchase a raffle ticket with $BOTC (price per ticket to be announced)

– 1 item will go to the COMMUNITY’S CHOICE: whoever the community votes for doing the most during that period of time (gifs, shares on twitter, making alternative art, etc…)


Mezcal Aleron is kind enough to jump in here and give us a membership to their “Not So Secret Club”. And this month the club is giving away a box of Aleron to its members that has 6 bottles. We’ll pass that reward along too.

– This Membership (Box included) will be taken by the highest bidder with $BOTC, but only people above the legal age for drinking in: Mexico, USA, and Panama can participate.


There’s still so much more to come, but I believe this will be a nice test to start.

As soon as our auction and raffle site is up, all items will be listed there with prices, etc… so please make sure to save as much $BOTC as possible!

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